Disregarding The Role Of Gender


  • Ahmad,S




Chimamda Nagozi Adichie does not make all the women characters to undergo transformation during the period of war in her novel Half of the Yellow Sun. She deliberately excludes some women characters to lie in the same trap of tradition and custom, though women like them contribute to the welfare of the society during the Biafran war. Through these characters Adichie bring forth a deep thought that women can not only be liberated by the education or freedom given to them, but they have to develop courage and learn to liberate their minds from their inner self. Because courage furnish something that education cannot. As Azukie says, ...women relentlessly struggle to achieve the much desired freedom from the clutches of tradition, from socio-political and economic disempowerment of women as well as from male oppression. In the Nigerian society which Adichie’s novels realistically portray, more and more women are banding together in order t o put an end to many years of deep rooted oppression and senseless subjugation.





