TEUs thought that their ownership
.CHAT, and its concepts and models such as the activity system and the expansive learning cycle (Engeström 1987, 2015), were used in the CLs in the first year of the project. During the capacity-building seminars on CHAT, the participants developed a partially shared object to act upon. This common object had the power to join the participants together in a project if they perceived the object as ‘the true motive’ (Leontèv 1981, 59), and the participants did perceive that they developed a common ownership of the project throughout the year. During the year, they became mutually engaged in a joint enterprise (Wenger 1998). The TEUs and the TESs considered how the object could direct the practice for the whole community at the university. They evidently thought that there was a tension between the new activity they were developing and the traditional practice for collaboration between universities and schools.