Though Urbanization Is An Indicator Of Development
The urbanization trends in India is a direct reflectionof the structural changes that are taking place inthe economy.5Much of the growth of the economycomes from economic activities that are likely tobe concentrated in and around existing cities andtowns; particularly large cities.6Mark Jefferson haspropounded the primate city concept which is basedon the agglomeration effect by which a city growsdisproportionately to outstrip the others; this is whathappens in the current scenario.The numbers of metro cities7in India are continu-ously increasing from 12 in the year 1981 to 23 in1991,35in2001and54in2011.8Thisstudyisaboutthe quality of life in seven metro cities (Kanpur,Lucknow, Ghaziabad, Agra, Meerut, Varanasi andAllahabad) of Uttar Pradesh. There is wide variationin the availability of urban infrastructure in the citiesand consequently many of them deprived in some orthe indicators which are used for the analysis