Optimal Design of Fully Synthetic, Unreinforced, and Combined Hybrid Steels Using GRG, NLR, and ANN Techniques
Composite steel beams are a commonly used component in multi-story steel buildings to improve floor economy and maintainability and provide a clearer height. Hybrid sections are used where the flange is stronger than the web due to the low stress levels of these beam webs. Many early studies have been on how to optimize the design of hybrid and non-hybrid composite steel beams under static loading and dynamic behavior. However, more practical optimization methods still need to be developed. The purpose of this study is to develop a simple and practical equation for determining the optimal cross-sectional dimensions of braced and unbraced, simple supported, hybrid and unhybrid composite steels under static loading. To achieve this, a two-stage research program was conducted. The first step was to create a database of 504 composite beams with flanges and webs of different steel grades subjected to different bending moment values.