Studies of healthcare management in the USA recognized that individual physicians
Abstract academic assessment tool shows mostly an academic ranking in the form of percentiles (e.g. top 1%, top 2%). A percentile ranking is more likely to appear on the profiles of academics having a large number of publications that have been viewed by a large number of other academics. In 2016, Yuri Niyazov (Figure-27) and his research team examined the citations of 31,216 papers, and found that a paper in a median impact factor journal included in received 16% more citations after one year than a similar article not available online, 51% more citations after three years, and 69% after five years. They also found that papers posted to had 58% more citations than papers only posted to other online venues, after five years [4].Figure-27: Yuri Niyazov Figure-28 shows ranking of top Iraqi physicians from Iraq, United Kingdom, and United State of America on the 21 April, 2022.JASSH 08 (04), 86-101 (2022)96 .