Science Research and Reviews <p>Our aim is to provide a platform that encourages publications of the most recent research/reviews for authors of all countries.</p> <p>The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers. Original research papers, reviews and high quality technical notes are invited for publications. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editorial review committee. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies. The author will be solely responsible for plagiarism issue.<strong> </strong>Article will be removed from the publication if malpractice/Plagiarism is discovered at any time even after the publication.</p> en-US (Dr (Mrs) Lutchmee Jhummun) (Mahatma Gandhi Institute) Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:40:18 +0000 OJS 60 Soul Is The Power Of God And This Power Is Present In Our Body <p>When&nbsp; the&nbsp; soul&nbsp; is&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; human&nbsp; body,&nbsp; the body&nbsp; does&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; activities.&nbsp; But&nbsp; when&nbsp; human body dies, the soul disappears from the body. No sooner&nbsp; it&nbsp; leaves&nbsp; the&nbsp; human&nbsp; then&nbsp; the&nbsp; physical activities&nbsp; gets&nbsp; stunted.&nbsp; But&nbsp; do&nbsp; you&nbsp; know&nbsp; why&nbsp; it does not work? Our eyes, hands, mouth and each and&nbsp; every&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; human&nbsp; body&nbsp; is&nbsp; very&nbsp; much there,&nbsp; but&nbsp; still&nbsp; the&nbsp; body&nbsp; does&nbsp; not&nbsp; work&nbsp; without the soul? Why? Soul is very vital for human body since&nbsp; it&nbsp; helps&nbsp; human&nbsp; body&nbsp; to&nbsp; work,&nbsp; eat,&nbsp; speak, walk...etc. This is the same power which works in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Universe&nbsp; system&nbsp; which&nbsp; in&nbsp; other&nbsp; words could be called the Supreme God Power.&nbsp; This&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; solemn&nbsp; effort&nbsp; to&nbsp; deliberate&nbsp; about&nbsp; the soul&nbsp; which&nbsp; is&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; human&nbsp; body.&nbsp; When&nbsp; the soul&nbsp; is&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; human&nbsp; body&nbsp; the&nbsp; body&nbsp; does&nbsp; all the&nbsp;&nbsp; activities&nbsp;&nbsp; like&nbsp;&nbsp; working,&nbsp;&nbsp; eating,&nbsp;&nbsp; speaking, walking, etc......But when human body dies, the soul&nbsp; goes&nbsp; away&nbsp; and&nbsp; disappears&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; body.</p> Kanhuji Chopkar Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 13 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The Traditional Healthcare Management Systems <p>Despite&nbsp;&nbsp; that,&nbsp;&nbsp; there&nbsp;&nbsp; was&nbsp;&nbsp; constant&nbsp;&nbsp; failure&nbsp;&nbsp; in introducing&nbsp;&nbsp; new&nbsp;&nbsp; knowledge,&nbsp;&nbsp; advances,&nbsp;&nbsp; and innovations&nbsp;&nbsp; into&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; practice&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; healthcare organizations.Many&nbsp; experts&nbsp; were&nbsp; convinced that the healthcare system and&nbsp; many healthcareinstitutions&nbsp; are&nbsp; over-managed&nbsp; or&nbsp; at&nbsp; least&nbsp; well managed,&nbsp;&nbsp; but&nbsp;&nbsp; under-led,&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; leadership&nbsp;&nbsp; by medical leaders was believed to be necessary.Warren&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bennis&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Figure-2)&nbsp; stated&nbsp; “Failing organisations are over managed and under-led”.That means, there is no real source of guidance which&nbsp;&nbsp; helps&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; organization&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; use&nbsp;&nbsp; the continuously emerging knowledge to change to the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; better&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; advancing&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; by&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; introducing innovations. Warren&nbsp; Bennis&nbsp; stated “Organisations&nbsp; decline because people forget what is important”. That means,&nbsp; organizations&nbsp; forget&nbsp; what&nbsp; is&nbsp; important because there is no real source of knowledge.</p> Prasant rajput Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Studies of healthcare management in the USA recognized that individual physicians <p>; academic&nbsp; assessment tool&nbsp; shows mostly&nbsp; an&nbsp; academic&nbsp; ranking&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; form&nbsp; of percentiles&nbsp; (e.g.&nbsp; top&nbsp; 1%,&nbsp; top&nbsp; 2%).&nbsp; A&nbsp; percentile ranking is more likely to appear on the profiles of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; academics&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; having&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; large&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; number&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of publications&nbsp; that&nbsp; have&nbsp; been&nbsp; viewed&nbsp; by&nbsp; a&nbsp; large number of other academics.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In&nbsp;&nbsp; 2016,&nbsp;&nbsp; Yuri&nbsp;&nbsp; Niyazov&nbsp;&nbsp; (Figure-27)&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; his research team examined&nbsp; the citations&nbsp; of&nbsp; 31,216 papers,&nbsp; and&nbsp; found&nbsp; that&nbsp; a&nbsp; paper&nbsp; in&nbsp; a&nbsp; median impact factor journal included in received 16% more citations after one year than a similar article not available online, 51% more citations&nbsp; after&nbsp; three&nbsp; years,&nbsp; and&nbsp; 69%&nbsp; after&nbsp; five years.&nbsp; They&nbsp; also&nbsp; found&nbsp; that&nbsp; papers&nbsp; posted&nbsp; to;&nbsp; had&nbsp;&nbsp; 58%&nbsp;&nbsp; more&nbsp; citations&nbsp;&nbsp; than papers only posted to other online venues, after five years [4].Figure-27: Yuri Niyazov&nbsp; Figure-28 shows ranking of top Iraqi physicians from Iraq, United Kingdom, and United State of America on the 21 April, 2022.JASSH 08 (04), 86-101 (2022)96 .</p> Al-Mosawi Copyright (c) 2022 Fri, 23 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Many Quantum-Mechanical Models Are Widely Used In Solid <p>One&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; founders&nbsp; of&nbsp; Quantum&nbsp; Mechanics once&nbsp; said:&nbsp; "Oh,&nbsp; I&nbsp; don't&nbsp; like&nbsp; this&nbsp; Solid&nbsp; State Physics -he&nbsp; takes&nbsp; PRIMITIVE&nbsp; Models&nbsp; and describes&nbsp; them&nbsp; real&nbsp; crystals&nbsp; [1]."&nbsp; But&nbsp; it&nbsp; was Solid&nbsp; Physics&nbsp; that&nbsp; helped&nbsp; to&nbsp; understand&nbsp; that Quantum &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mechanics itself&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; is&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; built&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; on PRIMITIVE,&nbsp; and&nbsp; not&nbsp; on&nbsp; INVARIANT&nbsp; Models. And&nbsp;&nbsp; it&nbsp;&nbsp; helped,&nbsp;&nbsp; thereby,&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; solve&nbsp;&nbsp; some cosmological problems [2].During&nbsp;&nbsp; my&nbsp;&nbsp; conversation&nbsp;&nbsp; with&nbsp;&nbsp; Professor&nbsp;&nbsp; Lev Termen,&nbsp; who,&nbsp; being&nbsp; late&nbsp; for &nbsp;the&nbsp; beginning,&nbsp; sat down with me and asked about previous reports, before&nbsp; his&nbsp; personal&nbsp; speech&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; Big&nbsp; Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute of the Academy of Sciences&nbsp; [3],&nbsp; he&nbsp; dropped&nbsp; a&nbsp; few&nbsp; remarks&nbsp; on&nbsp; the main&nbsp;&nbsp; scientific&nbsp;&nbsp; reports &nbsp;&nbsp;of&nbsp;&nbsp; previous&nbsp;&nbsp; speakers. That, they say, they did this with AF Ioffe half a century&nbsp; ago,&nbsp; right&nbsp; after&nbsp; Lenin&nbsp; signed&nbsp; them&nbsp; a decree&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; creation&nbsp; of&nbsp; our&nbsp; institute&nbsp;</p> Rohit Callaway Copyright (c) 2022 Mon, 10 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000 In Contrast To Such Intuitive Geniuses As Tesla And Theremin <p>During&nbsp;&nbsp; my&nbsp;&nbsp; conversation&nbsp;&nbsp; with&nbsp;&nbsp; Professor&nbsp;&nbsp; Lev Termen,&nbsp; who,&nbsp; being&nbsp; late&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; beginning,&nbsp; sat down with me and asked about previous reports, before&nbsp; his&nbsp; personal&nbsp; speech&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; Big&nbsp; Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute of the Academy of Sciences&nbsp; [3],&nbsp; he&nbsp; dropped&nbsp; a&nbsp; few&nbsp; remarks&nbsp; on&nbsp; the main&nbsp;&nbsp; scientific&nbsp;&nbsp; reports&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; previous&nbsp;&nbsp; speakers. That, they say, they did this with AF Ioffe half a century&nbsp; ago,&nbsp; right&nbsp; after&nbsp; Lenin&nbsp; signed&nbsp; them&nbsp; a decree&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; creation&nbsp; of&nbsp; our&nbsp; institute&nbsp; (in&nbsp; the originally&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; created&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; laboratory).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Theremin's remark during his speech, about Albert Einstein, who,&nbsp; as&nbsp; Theremin&nbsp; told&nbsp; him,&nbsp; when&nbsp; he&nbsp; came&nbsp; to him&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; with&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; request&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; voice&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; elementary geometric&nbsp; figures&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; theremin,&nbsp; painted&nbsp; all the&nbsp; walls&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; hall&nbsp; in&nbsp; which&nbsp; he&nbsp; assembled&nbsp; a dance&nbsp; floor&nbsp; for&nbsp; his&nbsp; wife-ballerina,&nbsp; giving&nbsp; out movements&nbsp; in&nbsp; SOUNDS&nbsp; her&nbsp; body&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; floor version&nbsp; of&nbsp; temenvox,&nbsp; in&nbsp; general,&nbsp; shocked&nbsp; me&nbsp; in the&nbsp; hall:</p> Poulet A., Mathieu Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 26 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0000