Soul Is The Power Of God And This Power Is Present In Our Body


  • Kanhuji Chopkar




When  the  soul  is  present  in  human  body,  the body  does  all  the  activities.  But  when  human body dies, the soul disappears from the body. No sooner  it  leaves  the  human  then  the  physical activities  gets  stunted.  But  do  you  know  why  it does not work? Our eyes, hands, mouth and each and  every  part  of  human  body  is  very  much there,  but  still  the  body  does  not  work  without the soul? Why? Soul is very vital for human body since  it  helps  human  body  to  work,  eat,  speak, walk...etc. This is the same power which works in  the  Universe  system  which  in  other  words could be called the Supreme God Power.  This  is  a  solemn  effort  to  deliberate  about  the soul  which  is  present  in  human  body.  When  the soul  is  present  in  human  body  the  body  does  all the   activities   like   working,   eating,   speaking, walking, etc......But when human body dies, the soul  goes  away  and  disappears  from  the  body.




How to Cite

Kanhuji Chopkar. (2022). Soul Is The Power Of God And This Power Is Present In Our Body. Science Research and Reviews, 1(02). Retrieved from


