The Studies On Career Development Module Contentvalidation

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Russell J.D. (2022). The Studies On Career Development Module Contentvalidation. Journal of Advanced Research, 1(02). Retrieved from
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Adaptability in relation to their career, which enablesthem to fulfil career developmental tasks or to sat-isfy their career development needs’. DeFillippi &Arthur (1994), in predicting the success of bound-aryless careers, classified career competencies intothree main competencies, namely knowing-why,knowing-whom, and knowing-how. These compe-tencies are derived from the firm’s competency-based view and the relationships among firm com-petencies, career competencies, and common ap-proachesincareerandhumanresourcemanagement.Eby, Butts, & Lockwood (2003) have examinedthe predictors of each way of knowing where eightcompetencies have been identified. For knowing-why, the competencies were proactive personality,opennesstoexperience,andcareerinsight.Thecom-petenciesforknowing-whomwereexperiencewithamentor, internal network, and external network. Forknowing-how, the competencies were career/job-relatedskills andcareer identity.Based onthe careercompetencies identified by Eby et al. (2003) forthreewaysofknowing,Khong(2010)hasdevelopeda questionnaire to measure career competencies ofhotel managers in China

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Adaptability in relation to their career, which enablesthem to fulfil career developmental tasks or to sat-isfy their career development needs’. DeFillippi &Arthur (1994), in predicting the success of bound-aryless careers, classified career competencies intothree main competencies, namely knowing-why,knowing-whom, and knowing-how. These compe-tencies are derived from the firm’s competency-based view and the relationships among firm com-petencies, career competencies, and common ap-proachesincareerandhumanresourcemanagement.Eby, Butts, & Lockwood (2003) have examinedthe predictors of each way of knowing where eightcompetencies have been identified. For knowing-why, the competencies were proactive personality,opennesstoexperience,andcareerinsight.Thecom-petenciesforknowing-whomwereexperiencewithamentor, internal network, and external network. Forknowing-how, the competencies were career/job-relatedskills andcareer identity.Based onthe careercompetencies identified by Eby et al. (2003) forthreewaysofknowing,Khong(2010)hasdevelopeda questionnaire to measure career competencies ofhotel managers in China

How to Cite
Russell J.D. (2022). The Studies On Career Development Module Contentvalidation. Journal of Advanced Research, 1(02). Retrieved from
Nov 17, 2022
Sep 7, 2022
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