Wangsamaju Social Interaction form According to the Integrated Platform Concept
interaction; social; ethnic; integrity; integrationAbstract
Abstract: Malaysia's ethnic diversity is a challenge to create a harmonious society. Social interactions reveal the social conditions of a society, whether socially integrated or not, and vice versa. Race relations create discriminatory, competitive, and conflicting relationships that affect community relations. A study was conducted using a questionnaire and observational method with 300 respondents to investigate the relationship between the various ethnic communities in the Wangsamaju district of Kuala Lumpur. The form of social interaction within a community inevitably determines the degree of social integration between them. This study shows that most social interactions in communities are still influenced by race, leading to prejudice, stereotypes and ethnocentrism. These factors then shape different patterns and forms of interaction in the community, whether in conflict, competition, discrimination, cooperation or non-cooperation. The concept of an integrated platform has been used to describe the context of the community. Research findings suggest that social interactions at the individual level show more negative than positive aspects. However, the analysis of the findings described by the concept of an integrated platform suggests that individual events and attitudes toward different ethnic groups are adaptive existential journeys to build mutual understanding within the framework of social interaction