Coping with Crisis


  • Maja Jerrentrup



Looking at a sample of Instagram profiles, this article analyses the ways in which individuals' posting behaviour on Instagram changed during the first Corona Crisis lockdown and how this relates to Well-Being. It can be seen that people put more focus on their own and more pictures of creative activities and meditation / yoga were shown. In addition, more changes in the timing of postings can be seen. From these observations, it can be concluded that although the focus remained on what was visually well presented and people probably also felt pressure to publish despite diminished subject options, they also used the social medium in this situation to stay in touch with others and to do identity work. Furthermore, Instagram offered structure and the impetus to become creative and discover new things for themselves. Thus, the social medium can have a positive influence on the well-being of active users in times of crisis



2023-08-05 — Updated on 2023-08-05
