Currently The Number Of Traffic Accidents Is Very High In Indonesia


  • Bharatendu C


Hypoxia is one of the dangers that can occur if you wear a mask for too long. Hypoxia is a condition that results in a lack of
oxygen supply in the body's cells and tissues. This condition occurs when there is a disturbance in the oxygen transport system
from breathing until oxygen is used by the body's cells. Hypoxia that is left continuously interferes with the function of the
brain, liver, and other organs quickly. Here are the symptoms of hypoxia reported from short and fast breath, being dazed or
confused, rapid heartbeat, Cough, Skin color becomes somewhat bluish or can become bright red, limp, breathing sounds, loss
of consciousness, feeling like being strangled and sweating cold.
Currently the number of traffic accidents is very high in Indonesia, especially four-wheeled riders who wear tight masks. This
can be the effect of hypoxia due to lack of oxygen that results in chaotic brain control or a person becomes unconscious while
driving and results in traffic accidents on the highway.





