The Studies On Career Development Module Contentvalidation
Adaptability in relation to their career, which enablesthem to fulfil career developmental tasks or to sat-isfy their career development needs’. DeFillippi &Arthur (1994), in predicting the success of bound-aryless careers, classified career competencies intothree main competencies, namely knowing-why,knowing-whom, and knowing-how. These compe-tencies are derived from the firm’s competency-based view and the relationships among firm com-petencies, career competencies, and common ap-proachesincareerandhumanresourcemanagement.Eby, Butts, & Lockwood (2003) have examinedthe predictors of each way of knowing where eightcompetencies have been identified. For knowing-why, the competencies were proactive personality,opennesstoexperience,andcareerinsight.Thecom-petenciesforknowing-whomwereexperiencewithamentor, internal network, and external network. Forknowing-how, the competencies were career/job-relatedskills andcareer identity.Based onthe careercompetencies identified by Eby et al. (2003) forthreewaysofknowing,Khong(2010)hasdevelopeda questionnaire to measure career competencies ofhotel managers in China