Educational Research <p><strong><em>Educational Research</em></strong> is committed to publishing research of interest to academics, researchers and those concerned with mediating research findings to policy makers and practitioners. The journal presents research in a way that is accessible for the educational reader who may not share an author’s particular specialism or context. </p> <div align="left"> </div> en-US (Dr (Mrs) Lutchmee Jhummun) (Mahatma Gandhi Institute) Thu, 12 Jan 2023 17:18:27 +0000 OJS 60 We begin by outlining the role of rapid reviews <p>As evident from the above, the growth of rapid reviews has led to an increase in methodological discussion and development of guidance around their conduct in health (e.g. Garritty et al. 2020, 2021) and education (e.g. Polanin, Maynard, and Dell 2017). Such discussion and guidance can be seen to highlight the importance of reviewing as a practice and raises important questions about the methodological decisions that are made by reviewers as part of the review process. This paper reflects on our experiences of conducting a rapid review in the field of education. We applied review guidance from the health sector to a topic in education: specifically, we used the Cochrane rapid reviews interim guidance from the Cochrane rapid reviews methods group (Garritty et al. 2020) to guide our review procedure</p> ,BENJAMIN Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 We cannot forget the producer of the film <p>The current uncertainty or exile from God in a person's life leads to a serious problem, the problem that there cannot be a normative norm; without any other end goal or higher limit (other than science and technology) to guide, direct, or limit technological progress other than technology itself. Any normative standard that should be considered outside of science and technology is therefore seen as an obstacle to science and technology pursuing what they want, a form of false excitement of the scientific and technological spirit (Ichuloi, 2015).</p> Mayank fill Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 20 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000