Science and Technology <p>Open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of science and technology. Our mission is to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to research information online without financial, legal or technical barriers. </p> en-US (Olivier Raspé) (Medknow) Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Multi-span additional bridging capability without cable length variations <p>The performance of a multi-span cantilever bridge with no change in the length of a cable segment was studied using the bishops of Bangladesh Philly. First, a finite element simulation model for linear analysis is built. The accuracy of the finite element model is verified by comparing the measured data with the finite element analysis. Then, the effect of the cable-free section length and the middle span of the tower route on the horizontal displacement of the tower top, the vertical deflection of the middle span and the bending moment of the main beam are analyzed respectively.&nbsp;</p> Lifeng W Liu, Wang Saisai, Ziwang Yu Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 02 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Lessons learned from studies of treatment of anxiety and depression: implications for clinical trial design for irritable bowel syndrome <p>This report highlights various considerations regarding the potential impact of concurrent psychiatric disorders and history of abuse in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) clinical trial patient volunteers. Although many studies have used psychological rating scales to assess the personality and psychological characteristics of patients with IBS, only recently have the prevalence of various psychiatric diagnoses (ie, categorical assessments) been systematically evaluated in patients with IBS. A recent study of patients seeking treatment found that the majority (50% to 90%) of individuals seeking treatment for IBS had a lifetime history or current experience with one or more common psychiatric disorders, such as major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or panic disorder. appeared to be there. , social phobia, somatization disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Existing clinical wisdom is that the presence of a psychiatric disorder increases the likelihood that a person with IBS will seek treatment. However, recent data show that IBS and psychiatric disorders are linked regardless of the condition for which they seek treatment.</p> R. Bruce, Sherry A Copyright (c) 2022 Tue, 08 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Development and Testing of a Method to Recover the Optical Depth of Atmospheric Aerosols from Solar Intensity as a Function of Photometric Data from the Sun <p>The background of atmospheric aerosols is an essential aspect in studying Earth's radiative budget, climate change and air quality. Therefore, quality techniques that invert aerosol parameters are of great importance to better understand their characterization. Accurate calculation of the physical parameters of aerosols in the planetary boundary layer improves the accuracy of the assessment of impacts on environmental conditions. In many atmospheric corrections for optical remote sensing using satellite sensors, AOT values ​​play an important role in arranging look-up tables (LUTs) for scattering parameters. Therefore, this study aims to develop a method for processing and calibrating solar photometric data to obtain raw AOT in the planetary boundary layer.</p> Jamrud Hiroaki Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 10 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Addressing the problem of opinion mining in enterprises <p>Today, customer satisfaction has become the number one goal of any successful business. They truly have the potential to elevate small businesses to complete brand closures overnight. Real-time analysis of customer opinions (feelings) is the basis for this success. Therefore, this study attempts to focus on the challenges faced by companies in the four categories of opinion mining. Natural language processing using machine learning algorithms can do wonders for opinion mining. Each business requires a special approach, so it's important to choose the right opinion mining for your specific type of business. This research ensures rapid infusion into the enterprise. Companies make myriad proposals for real-time analytics, but this study strives to present an ideal injection.</p> Dhamdhere Khan Copyright (c) 2023 Tue, 10 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Stability Analysis of a System of First-Order Linear Sylvester Differential Equations <p>Using the new concept of bounded solutions, we establish the stability criterion of linear Sylvester matrix differential equations, and deduce the existence of bounded solutions in ψ with a special case.</p> Osamah Fadhil Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Testing Blockchain Technology: Future Challenges and Opportunities <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> As one of the latest technological developments, blockchain technology has the potential to help many organizations. The main goal of this white paper is to provide an overview of blockchain technology so that readers have a better understanding of what it is and how it works. The questions you should ask when determining whether blockchain technology is the best option for your organization are covered elsewhere in this article. This section also summarizes how blockchain technology can benefit your business. The following discussion shows how various industries are currently mastering technology to dominate the field. This paper will also examine the results of research conducted to gauge public perception of blockchain technology.</p> Shaikh Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 15 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Optimization of Artificial Immunity Algorithm and Adamic Adar-based Wireless Sensor Network <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> With the development of different types of dynamic networks from simple devices, people started to use them for various purposes. These vulnerable networks are vulnerable to attacks and malicious activity. This work develops a model capable of generating a route from a source to a destination in a dynamic node environment without any prior information. Pathway generation will use artificial immune genetic algorithms. This is because these algorithms can find good routes in a short amount of time. These nodes must be identified to detect malicious activity. Therefore, the identification of the attacking node is done using a trust model where the Adamic Adar confidence function finds the node's mutual trust value based on its previous performance</p> Mh. Shaheen Copyright (c) 2023 Sun, 15 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000