
However, the traditional argumentation remains inforce, according to which a machine will remain amachine, it will never surpass a human, it will neverreceive (should not receive) any rights, and evenmore so the rights inherent in a human. Their posi-tion is unchanged - they are ready to regard robotsin the legal sense as nothing more than slaves, butcertainly not “partners” of people.  To thestrength of such argumentation is added the fear ofits supporters that respect for the fundamental rightsof robots will doom humanity, following the logicof development, to extinction as a result of .The granting of rights to robots in the form of assign-ing them the status of a legal entity in the status of an“electronic entity” also raises the problem of differ-entiating these rights among the robots themselves.As L.Wein notes again in his article, along with thegranting of rights, different robots will receive a dif-ferent volume of these rights, forming a hierarchy oflegal statuses of robots.

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However, the traditional argumentation remains inforce, according to which a machine will remain amachine, it will never surpass a human, it will neverreceive (should not receive) any rights, and evenmore so the rights inherent in a human. Their posi-tion is unchanged - they are ready to regard robotsin the legal sense as nothing more than slaves, butcertainly not “partners” of people.  To thestrength of such argumentation is added the fear ofits supporters that respect for the fundamental rightsof robots will doom humanity, following the logicof development, to extinction as a result of .The granting of rights to robots in the form of assign-ing them the status of a legal entity in the status of an“electronic entity” also raises the problem of differ-entiating these rights among the robots themselves.As L.Wein notes again in his article, along with thegranting of rights, different robots will receive a dif-ferent volume of these rights, forming a hierarchy oflegal statuses of robots.

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Nov 17, 2022
Oct 11, 2022
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