
One of the first countries to apply legal regula-tion in the field of artificial intelligence, as wellas its carriers - robots or electronic / mechanicalentity, was South Korea, where in 2008 the Law onSmart Robots was adopted (42) , in which they arelegally identified in as mechanical devices that per-ceive the environment, recognize the circumstancesin which they function, and endowed with the abilityto move independently. The document only definesthe development of robotics, focusing on the devel-opment issues of robotics, including measures ofstate support, but does not cover the entire range ofproblems (discourse) set out above.The British, in contrast to the Koreans, began to dis-cuss not only the practical benefits of robots, but alsothe ethical issues associated with the use of artificialintelligence. As reported by “Vesti” (Ukraine), in thespring of 2016, the British Standards Institute (BSI)published a “Guide to the ethical design and appli-cation of robots”.

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One of the first countries to apply legal regula-tion in the field of artificial intelligence, as wellas its carriers - robots or electronic / mechanicalentity, was South Korea, where in 2008 the Law onSmart Robots was adopted (42) , in which they arelegally identified in as mechanical devices that per-ceive the environment, recognize the circumstancesin which they function, and endowed with the abilityto move independently. The document only definesthe development of robotics, focusing on the devel-opment issues of robotics, including measures ofstate support, but does not cover the entire range ofproblems (discourse) set out above.The British, in contrast to the Koreans, began to dis-cuss not only the practical benefits of robots, but alsothe ethical issues associated with the use of artificialintelligence. As reported by “Vesti” (Ukraine), in thespring of 2016, the British Standards Institute (BSI)published a “Guide to the ethical design and appli-cation of robots”.

Nov 17, 2022
Aug 31, 2022
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