Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research <p>Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research carries comprehensive reviews in different fields of science &amp; technology (S&amp;T), including industry, original articles, short communications and case studies, on various facets of industrial development, industrial research, technology management, technology forecasting, instrumentation and analytical techniques, specially of direct relevance to industrial entrepreneurs, debates on key industrial issues, editorials/technical commentaries, reports on S&amp;T conferences, extensive book reviews and various industry related announcements. It covers all facets of industrial development.<strong> </strong></p> en-US Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Time analysis-based human activity recognition and localization <p>Current human activity recognition methods face many problems, such as the need for multiple sensors, poor implementation, unreliable real-time performance, and lack of temporal localization. In this study, we develop a human activity recognition and localization method based on temporal behavior recognition. In this work, we use a multilayer convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract features. It also uses fine-grained motion grouping to generate precise area suggestions. We then classify candidate regions using structured segmentation network-based activity classifiers and an end-to-end trained cascading design. Compared with previous behavior classification methods, this method increases the temporal boundary and effectively improves detection accuracy.</p> Hongjin Gong Faming Ding Copyright (c) 2022 2022-03-01 2022-03-01 1 1 High prevalence of abortion among crew members and clinical/sociodemographic correlations <p>For flight attendants who flew before smoking bans began in the 1990s, there are many occupational health risks associated with long-term air travel, including exposure to cosmic radiation, circadian rhythm disturbances, and exposure to prior and secondhand smoke. Previous studies of crew members have shown an increased incidence of breast cancer and melanoma. However, little information is available on the relationship between air travel and the reproductive health of flight attendants. Secondhand smoke exposure has many negative health effects, such as increased heart disease and respiratory infections, but its effects on reproductive health are unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exposure to secondhand smoke in flight attendants before smoking ban on the rate of miscarriage.</p> Bettina Mhalla Nisha Parikh Copyright (c) 2022 2022-03-09 2022-03-09 1 1 Leather Industry Waste (Demineralization): A Promising Substrate biodiesel production <p>Developing fats and proteins to facilitate waste management and ways to generate electricity of renewable energy. Oil is extracted from this waste using a solvent extraction process. mountain This biodiesel production uses catalytic esterification followed by transesterification with KOH. process. Extracted oil containing 11.19% of high-lipid fatty acids as an acid catalyst Esterify with 80% methanol, 2.5% H2SO4 at 70 °C for 60 min. Esterified Oil vs. Trans Esterification with biodiesel for 120 min at 60 °C using 60% methanol and 0.8% KOH. biodiesel production That's 95.81%. Characteristics of the produced biodiesel such as flash point (145 oC) and acid value (2.7 mg) KOH/g), density (0.870 g/cc), pour point (-12oC) and viscosity (5.79 and 1.2cSt, 40 and 100oC) respectively), etc. are determined. These characteristics are very close to commercial. Biodiesel standard. Renewable leather industry waste can be a potential source of biodiesel. production, protect the environment and increase energy demand.</p> T. E. Banik Copyright (c) 2023 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 1 1 1 6 Antioxidation, Thrombolysis, Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Activity of Leaves Vitex <p>Vitex peduncularis (Verbenaceae), a perennial tree, is used locally because of its versatility. Pharmacological properties include analgesic, antimalarial, antianginal, antidiabetic, antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective. Therefore, in this study, the antioxidant, thrombolytic, cytotoxic and antibacterial activities of crude methanol extract and various substances thereof were evaluated. solvent fraction. Data from antioxidant and thrombolysis tests were provided by the Kupchan Division. The chloroform-soluble fraction showed the largest phenol content (73.39 mg GAE/g extract), DPPH radical scavenging activity (26.69 μg/ml) and thrombolytic activity (37.35%). In brine shrimp lethality assessments, the LC50 values ​​were the most cytotoxic compounds. Found in the ethyl acetate soluble fraction (LC50 6.73 µg/ml). Finally, antibacterial activity Other fractions show mild activity of both chloroform and methanol fractions. against the bacteria tested. Potential biological effects of crude oil fractions have been demonstrated and future studies on isolated compounds are needed to evaluate these activities.</p> M. Y. Islam Copyright (c) 2023 2023-01-10 2023-01-10 1 1 7 14