Archives des Sciences <p>Archives des Sciences is open-access journal, includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts and quality of publishing. The journal includes various types of articles such as original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, clinical or medical images etc.</p> en-US (Olivier Raspé) (Medknow) Sat, 28 Jan 2023 12:45:04 +0000 OJS 60 Felling And Coordinating With The Integration Degree <p>.</p> Fitsum Areguy Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 26 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Tirant Ses Origines Des Conflits Portant Joel Wur Abstract <p>I often turn to Wurl’s essay as a source of inspiration for thinking through post-custodial archival possibilities. While the contemporary North American archival ethos imagines custodianship as the defining principle of archives, Wurl – now 15 years ago – advocated for a shift toward stewardship characterized by long-haul association between repositories and communities of origin. Departing from the “totalizing” mentality of custodial collecting, “stewardship recognizes the misleading futility of referring to a repository’s holdings as anything more than a [limited] selection of potentially useful sources.” I am thankful to the queer ethnographers and oral historians whose writing has also helped me to reflect on listening for what people want, especially as their wants have conflicted with my expectations for interview encounters and archival acquisition discussions. Horacio Roque-Ramirez’s haunting contribution to Bodies of Evidence , in which he grieves for his friend and narrator Alberta Nevarez (a.k.a. Teresita La Campesina), clarified for me that their relationship and those I have developed in my own work are the method of stewardship.</p> Joel Wur Copyright (c) 2023 Thu, 26 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 These Two Approaches Led To Significant Works <p>Teacher , discussed the early history of archivists’ attempts to reach children in Canada. He noted that archives developed collections of lantern slides based on their historical materials and archivists made occasional school visits. W. Kaye Lamb, the Dominion Archivist of Canada, produced a series of publications that were designed primarily as teaching aids for elementary and high school use.Writing in 1997, however, Sharon Cook, a professor and Director of Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa and the wife of archival theorist Terry Cook, noted, “There has been relatively little progress in producing coherent or prominent programmes.” She added that such educational programs that did exist really depended upon “one person’s enthusiasm and willingness to devote extra time” to serve educators.</p> KenOsborne Copyright (c) 2023 Sat, 28 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Raiders of the Lost Archives <p>Alonso recognizes them. They are the ARCHIVISTS” (again, all capitals).Amazingly, day and night, the<br>archivists wander through the Library of Doom, never sleeping or eating and making sure that every book is<br>in its place. They<br>have a rather subservient position to the Librarian. If they notice one book missing, they report it to the<br>Librarian. They argue with a young woman, who is called the Specialist, stating that the Librarian has<br>disappeared. Interestingly, at the back, there is a glossary, and the first word is archivist. The definition is<br>“someone whose job is to maintain archives or records,” which is not a bad explanation but does not square<br>with the contents of the book. Although it may be good that archivists are prominently mentioned in the<br>book, given that they are basically shelvers in menacing attire, this book is somewhat of a step backwards</p> Crista Bradley Copyright (c) 2023 Fri, 27 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000